Black with navy

A sure-fire way to get me to do something is to tell me not to. I've just never really been a fan of complying with restrictions, specifically rules that dictate how to dress. 

"Don't wear white after Labour Day."

"Don't mix metals in your jewellery choices."

and my personal favourite, "Black and navy don't match."

Over the years I've taken great pleasure in testing these "theories" and pushing these "boundaries".

In fact, that's how this blog (a 10-year-in-the-making passion project) earned its moniker. I love fashion. It's my greatest passion. But I'm not blind to the reality that this industry is one that likes to put labels on things (including people) and attempt to fit those things into perfectly, predetermined boxes. Not for me, thanks. I believe there are only two questions you should ask yourself when putting together an outfit:

1. Do I love it?


2. Am I presenting my authentic self (whether it be who you are today or who you aspire to be)?


If the answer to those two questions is yes, then mission accomplished. Go forth and conquer.

And if your inner rebel can relate, give a black with navy outfit a try like I've done here.